28th January 2022: AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day!


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28th January 2022:  the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP) celebrates Data Protection Day for the 16th time!

On 26 April 2006 the Council of Europe decided to launch a Data Protection Day to be celebrated each year on 28 January, the date on which the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, known as “Convention 108”, was opened for signature. Data Protection Day is now celebrated globally and is called Privacy Day outside Europe.

To mark this special day, together with Croatian Employers’ Association and IAPP KnowledgeNet Croatia, AZOP is organising a high-level conference in a hybrid format titled GDPR- the cornerstone of the EU digital future.

People´s personal data are being processed every second – at work, in their relations with public authorities, in the health field, when they buy goods or services, travel or surf the internet. Individuals are generally unfamiliar with the risks related to the protection of their personal data and of their rights in this respect.

The goal of organising the conference is to raise awareness on personal data protection among citizens, data controllers, processors from private and public sectors, as well as to familiarize the general public with the benefits and concerns regarding the EU’s digital strategy and European Commission’s legislative proposals as part of its digital and data strategies.

On this occasion, some of the best experts in the field of data protection and privacy will share their views on how the remaining challenges around the enforcement of the GDPR can be best addressed. The conference participants will also be able to benefit from their insights on the EU’s digital strategy and concerns regarding the Digital Services Act, the Digital Markets Act, the Data Governance Act and Regulation on a European approach for AI and its impact on the rights and freedoms of individuals.

The conference is addressed at specialists whose daily life revolves around dealing with data protection issues e.g. entrepreneurs, legal advisers, as well as representatives of ministries, public bodies and institutions, the academic community, NGOs and the general public.

In the first part of the conference, we are expecting keynote speeches from the representatives of the EDPB, the European Parliament and Croatian Government.

In the second part of the conference, within panel discussion Quo vadis, GDPR?, data protection experts from different sectors will discuss about what is needed to improve and bolster the GDPR and about the challenges they have been facing since May 2018.

The second panel discussion titled How EU shapes the digital world: EU data strategy, regulating AI and (non) compliance with the GDPR will be focused on the EU’s digital and data strategies, Digital Services Package and on its impact on the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals.

Agenda is coming soon. Register for free online participation: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/dan-zastite-podataka-28-1.

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AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day 2025!

    The Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency will commemorate European Data Protection Day on January 28th 2025, marking its 19th consecutive celebration. This important event aims to enhance public awareness of the fundamental human rights to personal...

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