EU ARC project – free online workshops for SMEs

On October 6 of 2020, at the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Economy, the representatives of the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency held an online workshop “How to comply with the GDPR?” for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

This is the first workshop to be carried out within the framework of the EU project Awarness raising campaign for small and medium enterprises (ARC) for small and medium entrepreneurs. As the name of the project suggests, the aim is to make micro, small and medium-sized enterprises aware of their obligations arising from the General Data Protection Regulation, and to support them in order to fulfill these obligations.

The EU ARC project is co-financed by the European Union Programme for Rights, Equality and Citizenship and coordinated by the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, in partnership with the Irish Data Protection Commission and the University of Vrije from Brussels.

The Agency invites micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to complete the survey available on the link:

The purpose of this survey is to gain insights into the way in which Data Protection is incorporated into the daily workings of small to medium enterprises across Europe and, in particular, the challenges faced by SMEs in their efforts to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. The aim of the survey is to provide guidance to the ARC project so that it can tailor its guidance to better suit the needs of the sector and reduce the burden associated with compliance.

At the opening of the workshop, the director of the Agency, Zdravko Vukic, thanked the Croatian Chamber of Economy for their cooperation and support, and wished all entrepreneurs successful work. “We believe that this campaign, which will be carried out jointly, will make it easier for members of the Croatian Chamber of Economy to understand data protection framework and to comply wiht the GDPR. In this way, small and medium-sized undertakings will have the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge and avoid situations where, due to lack of information, they can be in the role of infringements of the Regulation and thus bear appropriate sanctions, such as administrative fines and other corrective measures. ‘

The interactive workshop, which in addition to lectures on the legal framework on personal data protection, also includes practical exercises in order for entrepreneurs to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on as concrete examples as possible, attracted many entrepreneurs. All interested micro, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to participate in the workshops, since the project envisages conducting workshops throughout the Republic of Croatia in 2020 and 2021.



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AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day 2025!

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