Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (in further text: Agency) is managing a range of activities, such as educational sessions and events that have an aim to raise and strengthen public awareness on the importance of personal data and privacy protection. Thus, there were ten educational campaigns for data controllers and personal data protection officials, as well as 59 educational sessions for primary school pupils realised by the Agency in the period January-June 2016. In addition, it was also organised a festive event on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the European Data Protection Day.

The purpose of the educations attended by data controllers and personal data protection officials was to get the attendants aquainted with how to apply the Personal Data Protection Act in practice. The education was focused in particular on legal obligations of data controllers during processing of personal data and on the data subject’s rights. According to their educational experience and practice, the representatives of the Agency were answering numerous questions and explaining some dilemmas set up by attendants, primarily referring to the application of the Personal Data Protection Act in practice. The issues discussed were related in particular to legal and confidential processing of personal data, tasks of personal data protection officials, use of new informatical technologies in personal data processing, as well as in application of organisational, personnel and technical measures of data protection. In addition, the Agency representatives were explaining to data controllers how to establish and submit notifications on the records of personal data filling systems to the Central Register maintained by the Agency.
Through educational sessions performed, it was made possible to attendants to acquire a more distinct understanding of juridical framework in the field of personal data protection and, consequently, to get ability for better and more effective application of the Personal Data Protection Act in both private and public sectors with an ultimate aim to make considerable progress in reaching a higher level of personal data protection effectiveness and the privacy of citizens in general.
Educational sessions were performed independently by the Agency and in cooperation with the Croatian Employers’ Association, the Ministry of Health, the Rehabilitation Workers’ Association of the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb County, the Libraries of the City of Zagreb and the the European Commission Representation in the Republic of Croatia.
For all activities undertaken there were prepared appropriate promotional materials, such as brochures and leaflets.


European Data Protection Day: Festive event (Zagreb, 28 January 2016)
The celebration of 10th anniversary of the European Data Protection Day was organised by the Agency in cooperation with following partners: the City Theatre Comedy, General Police Directorate – Service for Prevention and the North University. Effective communication of key messages was delivered to the public through innovative artistic programme. Drama studio „Atelier“ from Osijek, performed under direction of Ivan Kristijan Majić the play „Who is Making Joke with the Name of Mine?“ The performance was inspired by real cases being previously dealt with and solved by the Agency. In this programme were also participating the soprano singer Dolores Leko, music performer Dario Došić, stage actress Marija Borić and actors Goran Malus and Vid Balog , radio and TV host Davor Dretar Drele as well as tambura orchestra and vocal ensemble of the Ministry of Interior. This festive event was attended by numerous guests such as representatives of Ministers, Members of the Parliament, Ombudsman for Children, Gender Equality Ombudsman, Representatives of the City of Zagreb, economic and social actors, representatives of the academic community, and children and young students as well as personal data protection officers, Representatives of the Police Academy, dramatic and musical artists and other distinguished guests.

Educations for the data controllers (Zagreb, 28 April 2016; Rijeka 18 May 2016; Split, 1 June 2016)
The activities were organised in cooperation with the Croatian Employers Association that gave technical and logistic support (invitation of attendants, ceding of conference halls and technical equipment).

Educations for the personal data protection officials (Zagreb, 13 April 2016; Zagreb, 4 May 2016; Zagreb, 29 June 2016)
The activities were organised independently by the Agency. The educational sessions were attended by personal data protection officials, data controllers, as well as individuals from private economy sector, various professional organisations and associations, representatives of educational institutions and academic community etc.

Education for the personal data protection officials with particular consideration of sensitive personal data categories (Zagreb, 9 February 2016)
The education was organised on the occasion of celebration European Data Protection Day in cooperation with Rehabilitation Workers’ Association. The participants of this educational session were members of Rehabilitation Workers’ Association of the City of Zagreb and the Zagreb County.

Education for the library employees in the City of Zagreb (Zagreb, 23 April 2016)
The education was organised in cooperation with the Libraries of the City of Zagreb. It was attended by employees of libraries situated in Zagreb municipal area. The purpose of the education was to get attendants acquainted with legislative framework of personal data protection, as well as with obligations and rights arising from the regulations, having an aim to apply the considered issues in their practice.

Education for the data controllers and personal data protection officials in the public health sector (Zagreb, 10 May 2016)
The education was organised by the Agency in cooperation with the Ministry of Health. It was assigned to employees in the public health sector. The aim of the education was to give an additional relevant information to the attendants and to help them understand better some relevant juridical aspects in the field of personal data protection. Consequently, the education offered to employees from the public health sector necessary information on a more qualitative and a more effective application of the Personal Data Protection Act in everyday practice. The focus of  the education was on legislative and confidentional processing of particular category of personal data in the light of a more efficacious use of new informational technologies in data processing, as well as on the application of organisational, personnel and technical measures relevant for personal data protection.

Education for representatives of the state and local administration (Zagreb,11 April 2016)
Representative body of the European Commission in Croatia organised the education having an aim to offer to the attending representatives of state and local administration a more comprehensive understanding of legislative framework in the field of personal data protection and get them acquainted with application of the Personal Data Protection Act in practice.

Educations for children and the youth (Zagreb, Velika Gorica-from February to June 2016)
Activites aiming at raising awareness about data protection and privacy of this target group started on the occasion of marking the Safer Internet Day and were held throughout February 2016. Due to importance of preventive action directed to this target group and having in mind remarkable interest of professional employees in primary schools, pupils and their parents, educational sessions were held throughout the rest of educational season until June 2016.



AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day 2025!

AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day 2025!

    The Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency will commemorate European Data Protection Day on January 28th 2025, marking its 19th consecutive celebration. This important event aims to enhance public awareness of the fundamental human rights to personal...

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