Kick-off meeting- ARC II project, Brussels, 12th October 2022

On 12th October 2022 project partners in the ARC II project (Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency, Italian data protection authority Garante Privacy, Vrije University Brussels and University of Florence) held a kick-off meeting in Brussels. This meeting brought together representatives of the project coordinator (AZOP) and beneficiaries to discuss in detail the actions to be undertaken within the project, with a focus on the development of the specifications and modules for the web tool Olivia, project documentation, reporting requirements under the Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values Programme, gender mainstreaming, adherence to EU values, dissemination campaign and Communication and Visibility Plan, as well as setting up of the External Advisory Board.


The ARC II  is a continuation of the successfully implemented ARC project which aimed to provide micro, small and medium-sized enterprises support in their efforts to comply with the GDPR. Overall expected direct result of the ARC II project is increased knowledge and understanding among SMEs of their obligations arising from the GDPR and Italian and Croatian data protection legal frameworks. The project will result in GDPR compliance digital tool that shall be developed in open-source code, therefore all the data protection authorities (DPAs) could adapt it to their national legislation and language. In this way, SMEs across the EU will be able to benefit from the project results of the ARC II project.

The progress of the ARC II project will be monitored by the members of the Steering Committee: Zdravko Vukić (AZOP), Garante Privacy (Luigi Montuori), Paul Quinn (VUB), Andrea Simoncini (UNIFI) and project manager Anamarija Mladinić (AZOP).

Work package 1: Project management &coordination

 Work Package 2: Development of digital tool Olivia (general data prOtection reguLatIon VIrtual Assistant)

Expected deliverables:

  1. Specifications and modules for Olivia digital tool
  2. Educational materials for Olivia tool (10 questionnaires, 10 training videos in duration of up to 5 minutes with practical and easily understandable information)
  3. Olivia digital tool
  4. User manual and video

 Work package 3: Awareness-raising activities (workshops and international conferences)

Expected deliverables:

  1. 10 online interactive workshops for Croatian SMEs and 10 online workshops for Italian SMEs
  2. 10 onsite workshops in Croatia and 10 Italy
  3. 5 interactive online train the trainers sessions in Croatia and 5 in Italy
  4. 2 international conferences, one in Rome other in Zagreb
  5. 2 validation workshops, one in Varaždin, one in Florence

Work Package 4: Dissemination & Communication

Expected deliverables:

  1. Communication and Awareness Plan
  2. Report on the media campaign
  3. Handbook on data protection for SMEs: Open access handbook containing best practices, educational materials, FAQs, and experiences of the Italian and Croatian SMEs and DPAs


Project number: 101072630

Project name: Awareness Raising Campaign for SMEs- ARC II

Project acronym: ARC II

Call: CERV-2021-DATA

Topic: CERV-2021-DATA

Type of action: CERV Project Grants

Granting authority: European Commission-EU

Project starting date: fixed date: 2 September 2022

Project end date: 1 September 2024

Project duration: 24 months

4 Work packages, 15 deliverables

GRANT AMOUNT: 360 514.43 EUR

TOTAL COSTS: 400 571.62 EUR



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AZOP celebrates Data Protection Day 2025!

    The Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency will commemorate European Data Protection Day on January 28th 2025, marking its 19th consecutive celebration. This important event aims to enhance public awareness of the fundamental human rights to personal...

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