Online worskhop for DPOs in public sector, 21 December 2020

On 21 December 2020,  Sanja Silaj Zeman, Head of Department for International Co-operation, EU and legal Affairs and Maja Peran, Senior Advisor, held an online worskhopsfor DPOs in the public sector.

In his keynote speech, the Agency’s director, Mr. Zdravko Vukic, pointed out that the DPOs have key role in  the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation within their organisations and that their need for tailored-made education that includes specialised knowledge and skills in personal data protection law and practice has been recognised. Thus, the Agency  will continue with its advisory activities in 2021 in order to raise awareness on personal data protection and to offer DPOs support in a harmonised and consistent implementation and enforcement of the GDPR in their organisations.

The online worskhops will be organised in cooperation with the Croatian County Association. Along with the online worskhops for DPOs in the public sector, the Agency will organize educational activities for DPOs in private sector with the support of the Croatian Chamber of Economy.




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